Dental Clinic Rijeka Croatia


Correction of the incorrect teeth position.


Zubna ortodoncijaOrthodontics

Orthodontics is a branch of dental medicine that deals with correcting the incorrect position of teeth and intermaxillary relations. Orthodontic procedures can be performed in the growth and development phase, as well as later in life. Aesthetics are often considered the primary goal of orthodontics, but this is not the case. Namely, properly placed teeth are important for maintaining the health of the entire oral cavity, as well as the jaw joint and muscles They also affect the functionality of the chewing itself and the surrounding tooth tissue.

Proper jaw ratio and correct teeth are a key factor for the even transmission of masticatory forces, which do not overload the supporting tissue and teeth, thus protecting them from excessive wear and decay and reducing problems in the jaw joint.

Orthodontic aids
The therapy of orthodontic anomalies is performed with orthodontic aids, which are divided into fixed and mobile dental braces.

From the earliest years of life, it is important to pay adequate attention to dental health and perform the first orthodontic examinations after the age of 7, if certain irregularities are noticed. From the age of 10, it is possible to start correcting irregularities related to the lack of space for permanent teeth or the bite itself. These shortcomings can be effectively solved with mobile devices. These can also be used as a preparation for the fixed braces therapy, with the aim of preventing the extraction of permanent teeth. Fixed braces therapy begins mainly between 12 and 13 years of age, and the duration of the therapy is from one to three years, depending on the individual case.

Fixed braces
Fixed braces, consist of braces and wires. The braces are then divided into metal and aesthetic ones, and can be made of ceramics or composite materials. Braces can also contain various information specific to a particular tooth, i.e. information about its optimal position within the dental arch.

In addition to the classic metal ones, our offer includes the already mentioned aesthetic locks, which are actually transparent, and therefore difficult to notice. When the time comes, they can be easily removed, without fear of damaging the enamel. The progress with this system is fast and precise, with adequate expert supervision.
The installation of the fixed braces is performed in one visit, and the replacement of the wires is carried out depending on the case and the expert assessment of the dentist, usually every 4 to 6 weeks.
The newly placed wire, presses and gently moves the teeth to the desired position. The process of moving is not painful, but can be uncomfortable in some cases, until the jaw gets used to the new situation over time.

During fixed brace therapy, proper and regular maintenance of oral hygiene is a key factor, as food gets stuck around wires and braces. Improper oral hygiene can lead to unnecessary problems in the form of tooth decay.

Upon completion of each orthodontic therapy, a retainer that prevents the tooth from returning to its original position is made. The retainer can be mobile or fixed.

If it is mobile, it is a thin transparent splint that is initially worn all day except during meals. Over time, the wearing time is reduced to each night and so on. On the other hand, a fixed retainer, is a thin wire placed on the inside of the dental arch and does not interfere with our daily functioning. The decision on choosing a retainer is made in agreement with the dentist.


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