Dental Clinic Rijeka Croatia

Aesthetic medicine

Facial rejuvenation


Aesthetic medicine

Today’s concepts of dental medicine are engaged in not only the mouth but the wider area as well (lips and surrounding area) in order to give a completely healthy and beautiful smile.
Oral surgeons as surgical specialists in the field of dental medicine and maxillofacial surgeons are the most experienced and best acquainted with the problems of the soft tissue around the oral cavity.

For treatment of the lips and surrounding skin, various preparations are used, among which hyaluronic fillers, blood plasma and muscular relaxant.

Blood Plasma Therapy

Terapija krvnom plazmomThe English abbreviation PRP ( Platelet Rich Plasma) means blood plasma rich with platelets. Therapy PRP is a type of regenerative medicine, which is most commonly used to fight aging and treatment of injuries.

In dental medicine this procedure is used for more than twenty years for regeneration of hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity. For the facial skin reconstruction Dr. Daniel Sister introduced a method of plasma enriched with vitamins and minerals. The blood contains platelets, bioactive substances and growth factors that are responsible for accelerating the process of regeneration and healing of tissue. There are no reported adverse effects, such as allergies or irritation because it uses only the patient’s blood. Usually you can see the first results 15-30 days after the treatment which in the following months are getting better and stronger. The reason for this is that it needs some time to encourage the natural processes of skin renewal. PRP therapy works up to 18 months depending on the type of skin and blood circulation, there are no adverse side effects and can be combined with any other therapy.

For best results as the skin regeneration and correction of wrinkles and lip augmentation combination of plasma and filler (hyaluronic acid) is used. Thus, we get a synergistic effect and amplify the effects of both therapy and prolong duration of the filler. PRP has much wider effects and numerous effects that are stronger and more durable than the charger.

The biggest difference and advantage of PRP is that it is a bioactive material which strongly influences the metabolism with a strong effect of rejuvenation and renewal of the skin.

Rejuvenation therapy

Muscular relaxant (Vistabel) is a purified protein obtained from the bacterium named Clostridium botulinum, which works by relaxing the mimic muscles and thus we get the effect of smoothing the surface of the skin. The effect begins after 2-3 days, and the full effect is achieved after 2 weeks.

In such a way we effectively remove wrinkles on the forehead, small wrinkles around the eyes and nose.

Additionally, we can raise the eyebrows, the corners of the lips, the tip of the nose, and tighten the neck. The results are visible up to 12 months after treatment, then it is necessary to repeat or renew the therapy.

Each type of rejuvenation therapy can be performed in one visit lasting 30-60 minute. The appearance and effectiveness of the treatment are being controlled after a month, and if necessary we can add or correct the effect, depending on the satisfaction and needs of the patient.


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